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EPL Facilitation- No Fee. Existing Clients only

EPL Facilitation- No Fee. Existing Clients only

Employment Practices Liability – covers the organisation and their employees against defence costs and awards from employment claims such as sexual harassment or wrongful dismissal.
Key Benefits:-
The liability portfolio does not restrict your organisation to a single limit of indemnity and covers the organisation as well as individuals.
The policy automatically responds to changes in the client’s organisation whether through growth or acquisitions.
  • Employers Liability Insurance- Charities only

    Trustees and individual liability, employment practices liability and professional and legal liability.

    Catherine Kane Associates acts as an Introducer only on a non for commission basis.

    Upon receipt of your order/authority to obtain a quote, we will email you a Management Liability Proposal form, including a pricing matrix,  for your consideration.

    Along with the next steps should you wish to proceed.

    Customers who procede with the Policy, will contract direct with the Insurance Provider and not Catherine Kane Associates.


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